Email Format & Address List | Full Name | Title | Source |
*********** | Sarah Engel | Press officer | NetWork |
*********** | Tiana Gamez | E-marketing manager | NetWork |
***************** | Anne-Laure Tuncer | Director usa | NetWork |
*************** | Stephane Ballot | Deputy director usa | NetWork |
**************** | Tiphaine perrier | Digital marketing director | NetWork |
*************** | Veronique roche | Accounting manager | NetWork |
************* | Agnes angrand | Deputy director usa | NetWork |
************* | Benjamin jean | Communication and marketing assistant | NetWork |
************** | Monika fritsch | Leiterin and responsable presse and web editorial | NetWork |
************ | Elvina Leray | Digital marketing executive | Linkedin |
***************** | Stephane Benhamou | Nordics webmaster and e-marketing | Linkedin |
**************** | Quentin Magnette | Digital marketeer | Linkedin |
****************** | Virginie Dennemont | Responsable éditorial de francefr | Linkedin |
************** | Margot Konings | Chargée de mission information and nouvelles technologies | Linkedin |
************* | Melanie Belin | Responsable de comunicación | Linkedin |
************ | Paola Deleris | Assistante marketing et communication | Linkedin |
**************** | Sophie Holubinka | Marketing manager, new york office/digital projects executive for the americas | Linkedin |
**************** | Aurelien | Sous directeur de projets | Linkedin |
******************* | Marie-Claude Raguel | Human resources director | Linkedin |
************* | Gaelle Tanguy | E-marketing and web content manager | Linkedin |
*************** | Salome Branchet | Assistante marketing | Linkedin |
*************** | Herve Le Feuvre | Head of marketing | Linkedin |
************** | Emmanuel Leleu | Chef de projet | Linkedin |
************* | Dagmar Grzeja | Assistentin | Linkedin |
********************* | Tiana Gamez | Product marketing manager | Linkedin |
************ | Adeline Wang | Marketing and promotions coordinator | Linkedin |
****************** | Alexandra Merignac | Chargée de communication | Linkedin |
*************** | Veronique Amato | Research and strategic development manager | Linkedin |
************* | Nolwen Dubois | Ecrm and digital project manager | Linkedin |
************* | Marie Cransac | Chargée de communication interne et externe | Linkedin |
****************** | Lionel Bertounèche | Sous-directeur communication | Linkedin |
*************** | Aurelia Baillon | Market and consumer insight analyst | Linkedin |
**************** | Fabiana Sorrento | Digital marketing manager and editorial coordinator | Linkedin |
********************* | Armelle Tardy-Joubert | Manager for canada | Linkedin |
***************** | Thibaud Bachimont | Digital marketing executive | Linkedin |
*************** | Anissa Ghariani | Chargée de projets rh | Linkedin |
**************** | Caroline Valbrun | Responsable des rã©seaux sociaux/community manager | Linkedin |
************ | Selim Hocini | Accounting, financial manager, france tourism development agency | Linkedin |
*************** | Franck Paillard | Director of communication and partnerships | Linkedin |
************ | Esther Arias | E-marketing - webmaster and crm (madrid) | Linkedin |
************* | Antonia Sousa | Chef de projet web apprentie, webmaster | Linkedin |
************ | Anais Leloup | Digital marketing manager | Linkedin |
**************** | Jerome | Responsable du service promotion commerciale and mice/leiter der verkaufsförderung- and mice abteilung | Linkedin |
************ | Ina Sohlberg* | Pressansvarig | Linkedin |
********************* | Sophie Lacressonniere | Directeur marketing | Linkedin |
********** | Naomie Wah | Digital marketing coordinator | Linkedin |
************* | Nathalie Poto | Leisure marketing and promotion manager | Linkedin |
**************** | None | None | NetWork |
**************** | Christian Kergal | None | Linkedin |
************* | Benoit Vernay | None | Linkedin |
*************** | Maelle Thouzeau | None | Linkedin |
*********** | Anna Revert | None | Linkedin |
************************ | Florence Brunel | None | Linkedin |
******** | Ethel Arwidson | None | Linkedin |
************ | Stagiaire Marketing | None | Linkedin |
************* | Verbova Maria | None | Linkedin |
******** | Yiluo Li | None | Linkedin |
***************** | Henrieke Beckfeld | None | Linkedin |
************** | Herve Lefeuvre | None | Linkedin |
************* | Rick Thompson | None | Linkedin |
*************** | Gerard Mecaliff | None | Linkedin |
*********** | Seonju Park | None | Linkedin |
**************** | Martin [Not Provided] | None | Linkedin |
*************** | Aliénor Frindik | None | Linkedin |