
Gurufocus Com Email Format & Address List

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Gurufocus Com Email Format Example

Email FormatExample
(Frist)Bill@Gurufocus Com
(Frist).(Last)Bill.Blom@Gurufocus Com
(Frist)_(Last)Bill_Blom@Gurufocus Com
(Frist)-(Last)Bill-Blom@Gurufocus Com
Email Format & Address ListFull NameTitleSource
*****@gurufocus.comHolly LafonEditorial directorLinkedin
****@gurufocus.comZhenyu ChenSoftware developerLinkedin
*******@gurufocus.comCharlie TianFounder, gurufocuscomLinkedin
***@gurufocus.comDon LiWeb developer/engineerLinkedin
*********@gurufocus.comVera YuanFinancial quantitative analystLinkedin
******@gurufocus.comMonica WolfeWriter, editor and social media marketerLinkedin

Company Information

Name: GuruFocus, LLC
Founded: 2004
Address: 3401 custer road, #104
City: plano
Country: US
Industry: market research, global markets & valuations, value screens, guru news & commentaries, value investing, stock analysis, insider information, financial services, investing
Postal Code: 75023
State: TX